Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Free E-Book... Today Only!

I'm so excited about this e-book! Today only, if you post about it on your blog, you can receive a free copy. I keep meaning to order it... and forgetting. Finally, my procrastination pays off! Don't worry... if you don't have a blog, or don't get a chance to post this to your blog before midnight (eastern) tonight, you can buy your own copy of this e-book for just $4.99. Totally worth it, in my humble opinion, based on the reviews I've seen on this book from bloggers whose opinions I respect! You can read about getting the free e-book here, and read about ordering the e-book here. Let me know if you end up getting a copy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I've posted this before, but I keep thinking about this tonight... so I decided to repost it.

If you're willing to sin in order to get something...

or sin in order to keep something...

or sin because you don't get something...

that thing has become an idol in your life.

~paraphrase of a quote from Idols of the Heart by Elyse Fitzpatrick (which I have not read)~

Thursday, April 21, 2011

In Our Classroom: Virtue

The kids and I have just started working through a unit study based on The Book of Virtue. Here are some things on the subject of virtue that we learned last week. I am learning as much and probably more than they are in this study!

The "I Wills" of Virtue
  • I will do what is right and encourage others to do the same.
  • I will guard my eyes, ears, words and thoughts.
  • I will learn to stand alone.
  • I will abstain from anything which might damage or pollute my mind or body.
  • I will treat others as I would want them to treat me. 
Virtue in the Home Includes...
  • A parent establishing a standard of moral conduct in the family and upholding it by example.
  • A parent teaching children to make wise choices about friends, music, and clothing.
  • Family members dressing modestly, inside and outside the home.
  • Family members filling their minds with God-honoring music and good influences.
Consequences in Sons and Daughters When Parents Allow Unrestricted Television
  • It establishes the practice of tolerating evil to enjoy some good.
  • Its amusement format lowers their resistance to evil.
  • It provides constant access to the world's system and its false concepts.
  • It deadens their conscience by providing comparison with new lows of immorality.
  • It allows them to relate to evil individuals whom you would otherwise never allow into your home.
  • It devours one of their most precious resources: Time.
  • It stifles creativity by deadening their responses to conscience and Scripture.
  • It ultimately makes them an enemy of God.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken!

My "nephson" and I were in a store today and we walked by a rack of t-shirts. I read one out loud to him saying, "Beer is now cheaper than gas."

To which he replied, "And gets you nowhere."